Interaction to Form
This project explores the fudamental process of form development from an interaction, abstracting product design into its core essence: interaction and form. How can the form follow function? This question is explored through a series of foam model prototypes.

Part One: Interactive Models
Series of interactive wood and rubber band models that explore various motions such as squeeze, pinch, pull, or twist. Most products have a basic movement that is meant to be performed. These models are an abstraction of these fudamental movements.

Part Two:
Foam Models
After selecting the squeeze interaction, I explored how to give form to this movement through a series of foam models. The models are not meant "work" but to embody the squeeze interaction.
What does the motion "squeeze" look like? Is it conveyed through a organic or geometric form? How can ergonomics and aesthetics be balanaced and not compromised?


Final Model
The orginal wood and rubberband required only a subtle squeeze for the interaction. Due to the subtlety, I decided to design a more geometric form that quietly suggests a soft squeezing motion.

Sketch and Ideation